For The Record Completes Major Courtroom Modernization Project in The Bahamas

NASSAU, THE BAHAMAS, April 21, 2023—Justice in The Bahamas has entered a new era, thanks to advanced digital court recording and speech-to-text technology from For The Record, funding from the U.S. Department of State, and guidance from the National Center for State Courts (NCSC). The Bahamian Courts are the first in the Caribbean region to adopt this revolutionary cloud-based technology, which will dramatically accelerate access to justice and enhance courtroom efficiency.

Like many nations, courts in The Bahamas contend with a limited number of court reporters and a growing caseload. In 2018, the NCSC offered to share its expertise in improving judicial processes with the island nation. The organization subsequently identified an opportunity in the Magistrates Court—the country’s primary civil and criminal court. The Magistrates Court did not have a formal provision or mechanism for recording legal proceedings, which further strained the courts. The NCSC subsequently recommended a digital solution for capturing, storing, and distributing the Magistrates Courts’ recordings and for improving efficiency throughout the legal justice system.

For The Record, a leading legal technology company with 30 years of global experience and expertise in digital court recording technology, was an ideal partner for The Bahamas’ project. Over the course of several years, For The Record worked closely with key stakeholders in the islands’ legal system, as well as collaborated with the NCSC, to outfit more than 30 courtrooms and hearing rooms with advanced recording equipment. In addition to installing digital court recording systems, For The Record enabled automatic cloud-based storage and speech-to-text technology for The Bahamas. An additional 12 courtrooms will be updated in the coming months.

“This will be transformational for legal justice in The Bahamas,” said For The Record CEO, Tony Douglass. “Our audio recording equipment will preserve every word of proceedings at the Magistrates Court level, so the judiciary can access vital, historical insights and intelligence. At the Supreme and Appeals Court levels, our speech-to-text technology will unlock a same-day, keyword searchable record to improve efficiency. We are proud to be part of this groundbreaking project.”

Renaldo Toote, Deputy Registrar of The Judiciary of The Bahamas, commented, “The conversion of audio recordings to text within minutes is revolutionary and propels The Bahamas forward, into a new era of modern justice.” Toote added, “An accurate record is necessary for the proper dispensation of justice.”

About For The Record 

For The Record is the global leader in digital audio, visual, and record-keeping innovations for legal justice. Over three decades, the company has modernized more than 30,000 courtrooms across 70+ countries. For The Record’s innovations include FTR RealTime, an instant speech-to-text platform; the world’s first cloud-based recording management system; and a virtual justice platform that observes traditional court protocols. With the goals of supporting justice and enhancing accessibility, For The Record continuously develops new courtroom technology.

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