FTR Player
Fast, accurate, and reliable audio/video playback and transcript production.
FTR Player is For The Record’s premier playback solution for transcribers and court reporters, and is now enhanced with improved features for those working remotely.
FTR Player continues to preempt and meet the changing needs of courts operating in remote and hybrid environments. Our industry-leading updates and features give users total control of audio and video channels wherever they are working, facilitating more efficient and accurate transcription of digital court recordings.
New features for hassle-free and streamlined playback.
FTR Player’s increased audio-channel counts (now with up to 16 channels) gives users the ability to easily isolate each voice captured on the record. The four-channel HD video recordings provide visual context and cues to aid comprehension and transcription.
The latest updates to FTR Player provide:

Never has a court recording been so accessible and intelligible, with crystal-clear HD, high-fidelity, digital court recordings available for accurate transcription, review, or appeal—or as a backup for court reporters.
People who use FTR Player can:
FTR Player is the digital gold standard for transcribing court recordings.
Our team is constantly working to enhance the already outstanding
features of this industry-leading solution.

“I find FTR easier and more functional. FTR is much easier to load and the muting/channel selection seems easier to work.”
Audio Transcriber
FTR Player
Further product information.
For further information, including quick reference, setup, and user guides, and minimum system requirements, please go to FTR Player Product Information.

What is the difference between
FTR Player, FTR Desktop App, and FTR Web Player?
FTR Player.
FTR Player is the gold-standard free player that accommodates a variety of uploaded file formats, including our proprietary TRM files. It is recommended for court reporters and transcription service providers and can be used on any device, anywhere, anytime. To maximize the benefits of FTR Player, we recommend capturing recordings using the companion program—FTR Gold Recording Suite.
FTR Desktop App.
Our complimentary online FTR Desktop App is suitable for downloading and playing court recordings from For The Record participating courts. It accommodates recordings housed on For The Record’s Cloud Platform platform and works with Mac and PC devices. FTR Desktop App is recommended for court reporters and transcription service providers.
FTR Web Player.
FTR Web Player is for court participants who infrequently need to listen to, or review, court audio from a For The Record participating court. It is a free, browser-based player for quick and easy access to court recordings, ideal for attorneys, self-represented litigants, the public, and the media.