Interview Recorder Product Information

FTR Interview Recorder-01

The gold standard in digital court recording, extended to law enforcement and victim advocacy centers. Interview Recorder leverages features of FTR Reporter to capture and annotate recordings of interviews with victims, witnesses, and suspects. Designed to match the simplicity of a standard media-playback system, Interview Recorder is a robust solution that integrates with existing processes and procedures.


Key functionalities.

Records every word with up to four-channel high fidelity audio

Captures every gesture with up to four-channel HD video streams

Simultaneously records in multiple, non-proprietary file formats

Deploys rapidly with intuitive user interface and a portable, flexible, and simple setup

Integrates with Log Notes, allowing participants to directly locate certain parts of interviews to annotate observations and notes

Protects sensitive information with log sheets and audio/video loading for only the interview selected

Easily shares and retrieves files through case information input

Controls access to recordings for different departments

Enterprise-wide rollout through new licensing

Included with.

Minimum system requirements.

Operating system: Windows 10

  • A physical PC or laptop with:
    • CPU (audio only): Intel Core i5 (any generation), RAM: 4GB
    • CPU (video using IP cameras): Intel Core i7 (any generation), RAM: 8GB
    • CPU (video using non-IP cameras): Intel Core i7 (generation 6 and above), RAM: 16G

Install space: 150MB of available storage

Recording space: a separate partition, with enough storage space for your recording requirements, is recommended

Audio playback: on-board sound card for playback of recordings

  • FTR compatible multi-channel sound card for audio recording
  • FTR compatible video capture device for video recording

For The Record-supported IP video-capture device

More information.

FTR Gold Product Information.

Reporter Product Data
Monitor Product Sheet
Manager Product Sheet
Player Product Sheet
Log Notes Product Sheet
Reporter Server Product Sheet
Interview recorder Product Sheet
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