15 Sep
For The Record showcased at CTC
This week marked one of the biggest weeks on our industry’s calendar with the Court Technology Conference held in New Orleans from September 9-12.
For The Record (FTR) took the opportunity to share not only our latest innovations in digital court technology but also our real-life insights gained from working with courts globally.
Conversations with customers during the three-day event focused on how to best prepare for tomorrow’s court record and leverage AI and speech to text technology in the future. This was supported by our exhibit’s theme: the future is crystal clear, if managed right.
At FTR we know that the best digital recording technology is key to crystal-clear court records but also that technology can’t do it alone: it must be supported by the right people, processes, specialist support, storage and distribution systems.
As we say, the best future court records will be achieved where human and artificial intelligence meet. Only smart content management will provide judicial officers, attorneys and parties to proceedings with the fastest, easiest and most dependable access to court records in the future.
Contact our team to learn more about our suite of digital tools and services that help courts to reliably and consistently capture, access, manage, store and deliver court audio and court transcripts.